Hours & Directions

348 Washington Street, Norwich CT 06360 Phone 860-889-9440 / email: info@leffingwellhousemuseum.org Mailing address: Society of the Founders, 71 East Town St, Norwich CT 06360

HOURS: The Leffingwell House Museum is open April-Oct., Saturday 11am-3pm. Tours are $8 per person, children 5 and under free. Tours by appointment are also available, contact us at info@leffingwellhousemuseum.org. The Joseph Carpenter Silversmith Shop opens May to Oct., Sat. 11am-3pm, $5. Visit both Museums for $10. We are available for private tours, contact info@leffingwellhousemuseum.org

DIRECTIONS: From 395 North, take exit 13A. From 395 South, take exit 13B. Drive to the end at a set of traffic lights & take a left turn. First driveway on left.